Calgary international airport

Calgary International Airport (Calgary International Airport) is located in Calgary alberta, Canada is about 17 kilometers northeast of a civil Airport, owned by the ministry of transport, Canada, by the Calgary Airport authority management.


It is one of Canada's busiest airports, home to Seagate's headquarters and a hub for air Canada and air Canada express.
Calgary international airport is one of the eight airports in Canada with the U.S.
The airport was opened to the public in 1938 and was originally named McCall Field. It was taken over by Canada's department of transportation in 1940 and renamed as McCall Field in 1966.
As a third of Calgary airport, the airport elevation is 1084 meters (3557 feet), a total of three asphalt runway at the airport the width 1890 meters respectively by 46 meters runway, 07/25 of 10/28 of the runway 2438 meters by 2438 meters and 3863 meters by 61 meters 16/34 of the runway.
The airport terminal opened in 1956 with three central halls.
With an annual capacity of about 15 million passengers, the terminal is Canada's third busiest airport.
In 2014, the annual passenger volume of Calgary international airport was 1526,1108.
GTA international has provided several sets of dynamic weighing equipment for it in 2016 and has been highly praised by customers.

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